The Northern Beaches Council area has a stunning coastal and bushland environment. Its coastal character attracts many people to this idyllic location.
If you love where you live and wish to upgrade and extend your home to accommodate your growing family, then an extension and renovation will offer your family a new-home feel.
You can create entertaining spaces indoors and outdoors that take advantage of your natural surroundings.
Northern Beaches Council’s design excellence standards are ideal for architecture that lends itself to a renovation for a contemporary lifestyle.
Innovative design solutions to improve the liveability of your home is the domain of Martin Kolarik Home Design.
Designing Home Renovations in Northern Beaches Council
The Northern Beaches Council champions sustainability and design excellence that complements the local character of the area for renovations, extensions, and new homes.
Northern Beaches Council aims to protect the community and build resilience to the impacts of climate change.
It emphasizes the protection of public views, protecting the habitat for endangered ecological communities and the uses of the coast and waterways. The area also has valuable ancient Aboriginal sites and heritage architecture to protect.
When you are applying for a DA to develop your property, there are also historic regulations you must meet which reflect the aims of previous Councils in your area. Namely, Manly, Pittwater and Warringah Councils.
Meeting Council requirements for sustainability and home style
Good design includes sustainability. Homes are filled with light and thermally comfortable all year round, reducing your reliance on mechanical heating and cooling.
You can select a design with a style that is sympathetic to the existing home or create a modern addition with a respectful transition, where the old meets the new.
The holistic approach Martin takes for the design of your home aims to minimise the impact on our environment. It also plans for resilience against bushfires, landslips, and flooding.
The Key to Obtaining Approvals from Council
The Northern Beaches Council focuses on approving designs for homes that meet their regulations. These regulations are specific to each property. Whether the regulations relate to Landslip, Heritage or Bushfire areas, or a property that has no complications, every submission needs to comply with the property-specific regulations.
Designing a home that our clients will be proud to live in whilst balancing and respecting Council’s specific objectives is Martin Kolarik’s forte.
Martin has a keen eye for designing creative solutions and elegant homes. He also enjoys the technical and artistic challenges of designing homes for families.
What is feasible and permissible for my home in Sydney’s Northern Beaches?
Martin stays up to date on the latest regulations in Northern Beaches Council DAs (Development Applications) and NSW State CDCs (Complying Development Certificate). What this means for you is that he can advise you on what is feasible on your property, based on the changes you wish to make to your home. He will employ the most user-friendly approval process for your project.
There are situations where a property does not fit into the typical parameters. In these circumstances Martin Kolarik has had a great deal of success negotiating outcomes that sit well with the Council’s objectives and our clients. Designing homes that meet the objectives of the Northern Beaches Council is the best way to obtain their approval.
Martin will listen to what you want and seek to understand your family’s needs now and in the longer term. His priority is to ensure that your home reflects your dreams and your needs. He will also advise you on what is feasible and would be a sensible use of your renovation dollars.
Designing Renovations of Homes in Bushfire Prone Areas in the Northern Beaches
The beauty of the bush is perhaps one of the many reasons you moved here. These things of beauty can be managed and enhanced with elegant designs.
To renovate on Bushfire Prone Land, a high level of expertise regarding the specific material selection and construction appropriate to your property’s BAL (Bushfire Attack Level) rating is essential.
Martin Kolarik has a wealth of experience in creating successful elegant designs for home extensions and additions for all BAL levels, especially in the higher BAL Rating areas, like BAL-FZ (Flame Zone) and BAL-40.
Martin has followed the evolution of bushfire regulations for decades. As a result, he is at the forefront of the current regulations, subsequent bushfire construction techniques and appropriate available building materials.
Click the following link to find out more about our specific expertise for renovations on bushfire prone land in Sydney’s north.
Designing Renovations for Landslip, Erosion and Floods in the Northern Beaches
- Properties located near the coastline may be at risk of damage from the impacts of coastal changes. It is the homeowner’s responsibility to protect their own property. The highest priority for Council is to protect the public beaches and surf quality.
- The coastal area is traversed by creeks and many lagoons located throughout the area that are at risk of flooding. There are Flood Hazard Maps that show the specific levels of risk by property that need to be addressed with any Development Application (DA).
- Properties located on or near steep sloping hills will have considerations for their specific conditions including managing stormwater. Landslide areas are at the top or base of a slope and can be triggered by natural causes or by human activity like the removal of trees, leaking pipes or construction.
Martin Kolarik is your design expert from Northern Sydney
Martin Kolarik personally designs every project. Most importantly he is transparent with his advice regarding what is possible and feasible. This advice is based on a wealth of experience creating successful elegant designs for home extensions or additions, plus achieving 100% success in receiving approvals.
Martin is focused on making sure the process of renovating your home remains a memorable and enjoyable one. His expertise gives you the confidence that your home design will be in keeping with the standards Northern Beaches Council requires. Most importantly, his design will also meet your goals!
Let’s discuss how we can bring your dream home to life.
Call Martin now: